Maybe it's too late for me to say Happy New Year to all my friend.
Sorry guys. Because I don't have any time to even open my lappy.
Too buzy because i get new job for replace my cousin for Christmas and New Year.
Then baru dapat rehat. Tue pun terus kena tolong Mrs.Umi buat kuih.
Tak apalaa. Asalkan aku dapat update blog aku nie tue pun dah cukup bagus. Alhamdulillah.
Kali nie entri mengenai persiapan aku untuk masuk kerja kat tempat baru.
Sebenarnya aku nie dah bebarapa kali nak buat update blog tapi tue laa tak banyak sangat masa yang dapat aku luangkan untuk buat benda alah nie. Nie dah masuk pun baru nak update. Hehehehehehe...again sorry guys..
Almaklumlaa orang dah start sibuk. Mana lagi nak tolong Mrs.Umi buat barang. Memang tak cukup tangan dan tak cukup rehat. Harap2 ada orang faham pun jadi laa...
Bercerita mengenai persiapan untuk kat tempat kerja baru aku nih. Alhamdulillah segalanya berjalan dengan lancar. Semuanya dapat dihandle dengan mudah dengan izinNya.
Even for the first time agak kelam kabut skit, mana tak nya dengan perasmiannya lagi sampai aku tak sangka kiranya dalam 20 orang datang untuk majlis baca doa selamat pagi tue. Sampai ke dapur orang pergi sebab terlalu penuh.
Pergh....memang tak menang tangan. Dan bila start para ibubapa nak kembali bekerja. Fuh, anak2 start menjerit melalak. Aiyooo....Dah laa macam aku sorang je yang wujud kat situ nak menangani kesemua budak2 tue. Then suddenly hati aku berkata2, " macam nie ke dorang wat kat orang yang namanya pembantu? Semua suruh pembantu yang buat."
Then tiba2 je rasa menyesal accept this job. Why? Because in the first time i been thinking what i'm gonna do after 1 year on this job. You know. Without anything. Internet, music, entertainment, movie and rest time.
Who's gonna survive? Nevermind just target for 2 years maybe. Mana tahu ada sebarang peningkatan nanti. Guess so...
Kita bukan tahu kan? Just sabar jelaa jawapannya.
The schedule is like this. From Monday until Friday, start from 7 a.m till 4.30 p.m. Then for monday, tuesday and thursday i got my class in night. So, what are you gonna say? Of course tired right? No even you read this you feel tired right?
Nak tahu apa pesan Mrs.Umi? Banyakkan minum air, jangan lupa makan PGP dengan spirulina untuk tenaga. Kerja macam tue memang kena banyak pakai tenaga.
Ha... ha.... ha... ha.... belum apa2 lagi dah pesan macam tue. Tapi memang laa...aku rasa badan aku nie pun makin hari makin susut je. Tak tahu laa.. Mungkin sebab selera aku selalu tak ada kot.
Ye laa mana nak ada kalau selalu je sakit perut. Dah laa cun masok kerja first day terus kena demam. Mana tak letih? Flu and fever. Sakit ooo...kena lagi buat kerja sorang2 kat dapur...
Apa2 pun aku still lagi bersyukur sebab aku dapat kerja macam nie. Bukan senang ooo...
Dahla gomen lagi tue. Then i been thinking too...Should i continue my job at the other place now? Or not?
Because i can't this pressure like this. If i work at office maybe sure because my job is sitting at my table doing my work but here i need to walk around, cooking, make sure everything clean and do as schedule.
It's kind like housewife job with 9 children. Hahahahahaha...joking.
Actually i hate any job if have any related on housewife but finally i still stick into it.
Then mummy said, right now you can't do what you liked to. Yeah right.
My cousin say, it will be short kursus for those new in part like that. I don't know it's true or not. Because it's already make me cry. Until i keep say it to myself, be patient, be strong, you can do it!!
The hard part is, my dad don't like what i'm doing right now. He keep saying to mummy, "If she work with Wilis wife, it could be better because it's high salary than this. Why she accept that job?" Suddenly I remember what he said to me long time ago, "Why? If you die, you think God will ask us where we work, which company is huh?" What you think? Pressure right?
When we as your children create our own path, you always look down on us. Said you cannot do that, what will you earn after do that? Do you think is worth in your future? Why you take the expensive course? Do you really want that course? Do you think you can get the job right after you finish your study?
Why you keep saying like that? Don't you have any faith on God? Like mummy said, you think like you don't even pray. It's sad when heard you said like that.
Dad, do you know, we as you daughter very proud of you. Not just because your job make you rich but the way you and mummy raising us. Even you didn't show how much you love us but we know. But why when you getting older you really change. Is it because you getting quit from your job? Because you don't know how you gonna do after that?
Dad, you know what? Your daughter and son getting growing up. We can survive each other. We can look our self. You no need to worry bout us. You know we can. We already proved to you but you didn't saw.
Please dad, don't blame yourself for us. Just don't mean to us. We need more space to create our own path. You don't need to worry about when you getting old because we never think to leave you alone. If you nice to us. We will consider it. Hehehehehe...joking.
Okey I think too many bla bla bla than the fact. Dan berakhirlah sampai sini segala celoteh aku.
Remember? What will you know in future? Everything in God's hand. So let Him decide what the best for us. The things we do is only praying and solat for better life and after. Thanks....