Like always aku akan mengucapkan salam as muslim to people out there even I don't know who you know what I mean right??
Today entry is about the day before..
What matter about day before?? Because the day before make what you want to do about the next day. Am I right??
Yesterday I'm in Miri, my hometown and my house..but today I'm in Mantin, where place my younger sis stayed for study..
So, different place in one day but still in Malaysia..(kinda oversea laa jugak..hahahahaha..)
Then yesterday was tough day for me because it's been so long I didn't fly so it was little bit scared for me...
But, thanks very much for all cabin crew MH2585 for everything. That's why I in loved with MAS..
Go back for that entry,
I'm wonder what will happen in Taska right now?? sis was right. Just enjoy my free time here while i'm in holiday mood right now.
When I going back later there no way I will feel like this. Hehehehehe...
But still...I don't know what I should do right now??
Biasanya aku akan buat ikut jadual semua kerja aku tapi sekarang nie dok melangok je depan lappy..
Then kalo nak diikutkan ngan jam sekarang ni aku tengah buat minum petang punya menu ntok dorang. Then kemaskan dapur sambil rendam botol susu dengan air panas.
That's was my yesterday at Taska..hahahahahaha...
Okey, just only that I want to share for you all..
Because I'm so so so boring right now then I realized I should play games later..LOL..
Even how boring you are, don't forget Allah..
Put your faith on Him for everything you do..
Buh-bye...we'll see yaa...