First for entry, I must give salam for greet people.
I got viewer from Belgium??
That's nice but how do he or she read it??
Huahuahuahuahuahua...Or maybe Malaysian student who study there.
I don't know..hmmmm...
Dah lama aku tak update blog nie. Sebelum raya ari tu rajin je..
Bila kehidupan yang sibuk memanjang nie menjengah, memang tak cukup tanganlah jawabnya..
Dengan class sebelah malam lagi.
Untuk semester nie aku ada 3 subject.
Strategic Management, Financial Mathematics (what I hated most!!) and Financial Management..
Dan boleh pulak dalam kepala otak nie fikir nak sambung belajar lagi.
Ambik Undang2 Perniagaan plak tu. InsyaAllah...kalau ada rezeki..Amin..
And then somebody offer me a job for the end of this year. I should fill the form immediately then maybe in December I got interview..
Ask my mom, whether this is good idea or not, then she just answer " If you think what give you better, you should do it," hmmmm...speechless...
Keja dengan government ni ada untungnya jugak. Tapi gaji macam kecik je kalau nak dibandingkan kerja jadi Cikgu ni. Aku punya Diploma maybe abis taun depan. Then what should I do? Grab it now or still waiting?? Peluang tu patut aku lepaskan macam tu aje ke???
Huaaaaaaaa!!!! (sambil kaup muka sampai tarik rambut...)
Dan sukacita dimaklumkan bahawanya aku sudah mempunyai pasport sendiri.Yahooooooobedubedabedu!!!!!!
InsyaAllah lepas ni boleh pegi melancong ke negara orang. Even I don't know where I should start but I feel excited already..
My dream place is Norway. It is beautiful place I should go. Can't wait.
Maybe I should pick that location as my honeymoon place. Huuhuhu...(gatai naa...)
Okey..just forget it..
Continue with my life strategy is better. But whoever read this make sure just read it. No need to stalk.
In this October, my cousin invite my dad to go his friend wedding so my dad definitely bring my mom also.
So here we are again. Both of us stay in this house. My little brother have his exam and me, working as usually. But deep in my heart, I feel sad because I really want to join them.
You know what I mean right?
Who doesn't love vacation?? Tell me?? Can we switch body??
So, in the of October, my sis will comeback home for their holiday..
Then our home feel more fun and amazing with them...
I've bit surprise when a lot of their friend want to be like me. Why??
Because I do 2 in 1. Study and working. And more is, I stay at home and driving to my college.
But one things they didn't know is how much pressure I've been trough this few year.
Just one advise, you need to be very very very strong girl.
Yeah, its very strong. Inside out.
That why I didn't find love until today.
Because I know love will find me someday..
That's what I need to sacrifice until I finish my study.
And that's why I pick Sia songs for myself. It is Big Girls Cry..
No time for love, no time for hate, no drama, no time for games...
If you really know what I've been through, you even don't want to be like me..
Don't forget have faith on Allah..
He my everything even I always forget Him..
But He never forgot me..
Thanks Allah..