Today I will come out with this story to tell my opinion bout job or work.
This idea maybe came from my mind after pressure from my workplace I think.
No offense yaa..
So here the story are....
"My Work, My Life"
Here I've been reading this magazine with so many tips to improve myself at working place even though I hate my workplace actually.
Then I've been thinking for a moment. Working is something you have through everyday in same place with same people. But who knows you been working there until when right?
Pressure?? Of course!! Coming a lot from different way and from people around you who making your life difficult. Some people said they might want to challenge your brain and see how you do your job but they didn't realize people can get crazy if not have time to seat back and relax sometimes. Why people so mean nowadays?
The real problems is come from who can't handle this problem with the right way actually. However, here the right way to control your pressure even though its came from small things but it also can give big impact to your successful carrier.
Here the tips:
1) Start from car.
Majority for those working use your own car to
If me, I'll choose ballad or r&b music n early music. Or some music can make me smiling. Hahahahaha..
That's the first one and the second one is, make your car like your home. Put some decoration inside your car or some perfume for make you relax and enjoy inside car. So, even it's seem small things but it can effect your mood seriously. Try me...
2) Love your job.

3) Make yourself suitable with environment.
This things I also tried. Really work with me. Maybe that's why they call me independent girl. At this stage, you need to focus at yourself. What's your ability to make your work successful. No need to show off your work okay. That's not necessary. People might think you do it on purpose to attract other people likes you. (Then you know what happen next right??)
4) Leave your habit routine.
When early morning came work, lunch break, and after that continue until you didn't notice your day work have been finish already. This is might your habit routine for office people as normal human even sometimes you get bored with your job but still happen everyday.
So, why not you try somethings different. Before this you've been always take-a-way your lunch to office then you should try go lunch with your office mates together. As many as possible. Because this idea can help your environment mood at workplace and at the same times it also build your relationship with your office mates.

5) Buy present for yourself.
The truth is people really loved new things especially when someone give to you as present. So, why not you try this at yourself to appreciate yourself. People always suggest this to me but I didn't have time to buy present for myself. Maybe I did but just didn't notice it. Last month I buy 2 pairs wedges for myself. That's also can count gift right? Hahahahahahahaha...

Maybe this tips for those who just enter working world but trust me its really important to make sure you can working with restful mood everyday. Do not even start argument with your friend. That's make people misunderstanding about you. But here your credibility for handle this situation is really helpful. Practice the "Give and Take" principles. Don't worry if you became people who give in. Because when you became people who give in, you smarter and matured than they are actually.
So, that's are the tips for those people who really need enjoy your working environment. Even it's look small things but also can make your work as your life. Who those want working with people have no comprise at all? Me either. Really. I hate it. I really love people who do quiet but smart. And that's me!! Hahahahahahahaha..just kidding.
And don't forget to put faith on Him.
He's know everything we doesn't even know.
What will be let it be.
Goodnight. Bye2...(^_^)